Week 11 Overview

Welcome to Week 11 of Yoga Anatomay

This week we will start with the Anatomy and Physiology videos that we have licensed from David Keil and Paul Grilley. The videos will be posted here in the course, but you may* also receive a log in from David Keil and Paul Grilley's websites so you can directly access them there. The fee for these personal licenses for each student are included in the course. There will be no separate class videos with Kelli during the Anatomy and Physiology portions of the course, but personal, one-on-one check-ins are available.

This week, we are watching David Keil's Yoganatomy DVDs volumes 1 and 2.

*shoot Kelli an email at [email protected] for your personal access logins for David Keil and Paul Grilley's websites.

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