Required Assignments Checklist

Below is a checklist of required assignments for this course. These assignments are not graded, but are for accountability purposes only. You can complete them on your own time and turn them in when you are ready to graduate from the course.

There are also assignments each week that are study aids for the video. These weekly assignments are not graded, and you do not have to turn them in. They are only meant as study aids for the video.

The only assignments you have to turn in are the ones listed below as "required assignments." The most important one is the practicum. If you have difficulty completing the other required assignments, but can teach your two students for your practicum, please reach out and we can arrange something.

**Note: if English is not your first language and prefer to do your assignments in your native language, that is fine with me! This includes your practicum. I am fluent in Spanish, and for other languages, Google Translate works very well. Remember, the assignments are more for accountability and not for a grade. It is most important that they aid your learning, as this course is for you!

required assignments.pdf
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